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Grab it with Bower:

bower install ng-ScrollSpy.js

Include it in your AngularJS application

var myApp = angular.module( 'myApp', [ 'ngScrollSpy' ] );

The following line is your navigation item element which will be given an `active` class when the specified ID is spied upon. It is element type unspecific. You can listen for multiple elements with pipe separation.

<span data-scrollspy-listen="myID">myID</span> <span data-scrollspy-listen="myID|another">multiple</span>

This is the element you wish to spy on. Offset can be set specifically on elements as well.

<section id="myID" data-scrollspy-broadcast data-scrollspy-offset="100"></section>

See for more options available

NOTE: this AngularJS module is simply a scrollspy, anchor linking / smooth scrolling is another modules concern.